here you can get the awesome explorer hat this is how it looks on my penguin
if you click on the pice of paper lying next to the free hats you will see this message!
It says:I wonder where these machine parts are from? i'll follow them.
witch is what you have to do next just go through to the tallest tree forest
and follow these pictures :)
Then you will come to the cliff...
now you must press the buttons in the right order i have circled in red the ones you have to press but i have not ruined the fun you have to find out the order:)
once you've done that throw snowballs at the target that comes and the barrel will come up get in the barrel and go down :)
then you will come to a beach
members can buy the life jacket here for 50 coins:)
you have to build the boat to sail across to the island:)
this is what it should look like when your done:
then hop in it and go to the island!
then you will come into a island with a cave
i wonder whats in the cave? lets go in!
BROWN PUFFLES!!! :D yay! they seem to be very smart! you can adopt them by clicking the piece of paper at the top corner:
you can only have one brown puffle and there free! there so cute! well what do you think of the expedition tell me in the comments!
VERY cool cheats, Flatmat!!!