hey everbody you may know that edster is having a igloo contest well he let me enter :) this is awesome thanks edster and of you want to enter comment on his blog click here to go to it:)
today the the newspaper came out lets see whats inside stuff about the anniversary party and he halloween party,ask Aunt Arctic and upcoming events:):):)
hi G what's happening? hi flatmat whoever is sabotaging our investigation is very skilled.im working on new technology to aid us however, we need more information. work togther to look for more enemy signels check near the ocean good luck agent! ok G im on it hmmm water the cove? no ice berg? no beach yes:):):) hmm i must solve this puzzle hmmm yay i did it now i get my medal:) hi everybody you may have realized theres loads of bugs in clubpenguin right now its like bug week lol theres the snowball target one the wave one the emtions one and loads more! but one of my favourite ones is the dancing one lol:):):) its soooooo funny but clubpenguin will have to fix it:)
hi everbody ive got some bad news:( my membership has expired oh well i can still have loads of fun! and guess what? my mums says she might buy me anther one:):):)
today i was just wadeling about and i went to my igloo to discover that my floor had gone! now i dident buy the remove floor or anything it just went! i spent 1200 coins on that cobble stone floor please clubpenguin can you fix this fast!
i was just researching about penguin chat the original basic clubpenguin really and look! this is wierd and if you wanna go to it click here tell me what you think about this in the comments:):):)
hi everbody way may know that my friend africa223 has had a party reasantly i never actully got any pics from it because i was only there a short time but i added him to my buddy list and he is now a great friend! and i really hope we can meet up again soon oh and if you wanna see Africa's awesome blog click herehere:)
hi everbody see clubpenguins community section its down and not working clubpenguin will have to fix this very soon! keep checking it sould be working soon!:):):)
UPDATE: clubpenguin have fixed this thanks clubenguin team!:):):)