im back and playing clubpenguin now because i love the holiday party it my favorite party! i remember when me and goop52 were just walking and being marry and listing to the awesome music! last year i hope this years just as good and i hope to se you all in clucb penguin AND A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!
Thursday, 25 November 2010
hi guys you may have noticed haven't been posting about anything recently thats all because im going to quit blogging sorry guys i just get no time... and aslo im gonna play clubpenguin alot less i will only be on at special events so i would like to thanks Edster sevalbar saaapril j45rry Africa223 for all be being the best friends i could ever had without you wouldnt have started this blog thanks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! people for coming to my blog and being such awesome people so bye everybody.............
hey everybody the new furniture catalog is out! here the cheats but i have not ruined the fun ive just put the hidden items not where they are you still have to look for them! ;D
hoped you liked them i love the new furniture what do you think? tell me in the comments! :D
i am so sorry but i can no longer run this blog:( i just dont get enough time so this is the end of this blog i really hoped you enjoyed it but for now goodbye!........
NO! wait all these comments i have to keep gong thanks sooooooooooo much for your support guys now im going to try really hard to run this blog! THANKS GUYS!
in clubpenguin at the forest right now you can enter the dark (and very scary) dark chamber i entered first i had to solve this puzzle hmm i get it you have to copy the pattern with the notes!:) yay now the door is open lets go through
yay a monster maker 3000 did G make that and a catalog! AWESOME! oh and theres free pile o candy:):):):)
hey everybody check out these new free items the first one is bat wings for players its at the plazza and the second is a ghost costume for members at the haunted house:)
cool huh? tell me what you think in the comments!:)
hey everybody here the new candy hunt cheats:) once you've done you get this awesome background as shown above:)so what do you think of this years candy hunt? tell me in the comments:)
hey every body look what happens if you put night vision googles on the second room of the dark chamber! awesome huh tell me what you think in the comments!